You will find productive and reliable solutions for your use from our extensive range of products. Our main manufacturing partners are:
Float Level Switches in brass and stainless steel to customer design, up to 5 level points. Temperature Switches also with mA- output. Small Standard Level Switches, see Finnish catalogue

Magnetic Switches and Magnets, standard models and customer designed. See Finnish catalogue

Inductive Proximity Switches, PNP/NPN- and analog output, IP68/IP69K- food and sea, welding. Inductive Proximity Switches, standard and semi-long sensing distances. 
Photoelectric Sensors, PNP/NPN- and analog output, fibre optics, amplifiers, Colour Sensors.
Safetinex Sensors and Amplifiers, cat. 4, for finger/hand/body protection.
Ultrasonic Sensors, Laser Sensors, PNP and analog output.
RFID– system for production and maintenance applications, robust components.

Photoelectric Sensors, PNP/NPN- and analog output, fibre optics, amplifiers, Colour Sensors.

Safetinex Sensors and Amplifiers, cat. 4, for finger/hand/body protection.

Ultrasonic Sensors, Laser Sensors, PNP and analog output.

RFID– system for production and maintenance applications, robust components.

Several manufacturers
Capacitive Proximity and Level Sensors and amplifiers. Types for temperature -180°C …+250°C, housing in Ø6,5…M40, PNP/NPN- and analog output.